
Materials for courses you taught. Replace this text with your description.

Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence

Delivered tutorial and boilerplate code for the graduate courses:

Institut Teknologi Bandung

Led and designed tutorials, marked assignments, demonstrated lab sessions for the undergraduate and graduate courses:

  • Natural Language Processing (IF4072) instructed by Dr. Ayu Purwarianti.
  • Advanced Machine Learning (IF4074) instructed by Dr. Masayu Leylia Khodra and Fariska Zakhralativa Ruskanda.
  • Algorithm Strategy (IF2211) instructed by Dr. Rinaldi Munir, Prof. Dwi Hendratmo Widyantoro, and Dr. Nur Ulfa Maulidevi.
  • Linear Algebra and Geometry (IF2123) instructed by Dr. Judhi Santoso.