

Full Name    : Muhammad Farid Adilazuarda
Contact        : farid.adilazuarda@mbzuai.ac.ae

🎓 Education

Master of Science in System Intelligence

  • Informatics ITB, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia (Aug 2022 - Oct 2023)

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

  • STEI ITB, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia (Aug 2018 - Jul 2022)

💼 Research & Work Experiences

Research Assistant @ MBZUAI., Abu Dhabi (Nov 2023 - Present)
- The world’s first specialized research-based AI university

  • Advised by Alham Fikri Aji and Monojit Choudhury
  • Currently engaged in research aimed at cultural preservation and language modelling for low-resource Indonesian languages.
  • Delivered tutorial on the Mixture-of-Experts concept in the Natural Language Processing postgraduate-level course.
  • Awarded a $30k Microsoft Research Grant for research in cultural understanding and evaluation in NLP.

AI Team Lead and Venture Analyst @ Sevenpreneur (Jan 2023 - Aug 2023)
- Entrepreneurial organisation driving SME growth by connecting people and VCs

  • Spearheaded a team of 4 AI engineers and analysts to create the first Indonesian AI-Driven company.
  • Delivered expert data science consulting services.

Research Assistant @ National Corruption Eradication Committee (KPK) (July 2022 – Dec 2022)
- Indonesia’s Corruption Eradication Committee

  • Developed a machine learning model for gratification detection and anti-corruption efforts.
  • Applied rigorous statistical analyses and advanced text embedding techniques for KPK’s public reporting framework.

Data Scientist @ Blibli.com (July 2021 – Aug 2021)
- One of the biggest Indonesian E-commerce

  • Led critical projects in seller and chat spam & fraud detection.
  • Orchestrated a price anomaly detection initiative during the pandemic.

🗃️ Professional Activities

  • Conference Reviewer : ACL’24, NAACL’24, EMNLP’24, COLM’24, ACM COMPASS’24
  • Student Volunteer      : AACL 2023

🏆 Honors & Awards

  • Semifinalist, DAC ITS Data Analytics Competition (Regional)
    Achieved 3rd place in the preliminary stage among 30 teams across Southeast Asia. Developed a residence recommender system using LGBM with an 82% F1 score.

  • Finalist, GEMASTIK 13 Data Mining Competition (National)
    Ranked in the top 20 out of 300+ teams from 113 colleges across Indonesia. One of the first systems in Indonesia to detect mask usage during the pandemic.

  • Semifinalist, Kata Hack 2.0 AI Innovation Competition (National)
    Placed in the top 15 nationwide. Developed “Orama,” a chatbot-based application designed to enhance education for children with low vision.

  • Best Team, Software Engineering Academy COMPFEST 12 (National)
    Secured first place among all teams at the camp. Created an E-Commerce application using best practices, microservices, and agile methodologies.

💡 Skills & Interests

Technical        : Python (TensorFlow, PyTorch), Tableau, SQL, JavaScript, C++
Languages      : Javanese, Indonesian, English (IELTS Academic: 8.0)
Interests         : Tennis, Football, Cooking